Magnificent painting 100x100cm
Gallery News / Gallery News
Honoring Sari Dienes
Artist Erica Cordell
We are open for Sydney Contemporary
Only 2 mins from CarriageWorks
314 Abercrombie Street
Freedom Landscape
We are closed. Opening Feb. 20th Tuesday 10-6.
Open: Sat Sun Tues 10-6 Mon Wed 10-4
If you love colour, you will love these paintings by Stefan Kater

Artist Stefan Kater
Colour, texture, and movement are abstract with a touch of pop art.
From Opotiki to Sydney
Michelle Schiavi

In & Between
artist Catherin Bennett

‘Spring Perfection’ artist Stefan Kater
314 Abercrombie St, Darlington
Led by the experienced professional artist Erica Cordell, the B3 fall into the category, of ‘Outsider Art’ this is art made by self-taught or supposedly naïve artists with typically little or no contact with the conventions of the art world. In many cases, their work is discovered only after their deaths. Often, outsider art illustrates extreme mental states, unconventional ideas, or elaborate fantasy worlds.
The term outsider art was coined in 1972 as the title of a book by art critic Roger Cardinal.[1] It is an English equivalent for art brut (French: [aʁ bʁyt], “raw art” or “rough art”), a label created in the 1940s by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture. Dubuffet focused particularly on art by those on the outside of the established art scene.
In New York since 1993, there have been Outsider Art Fares and there are at least two regularly published journals dedicated to the subject.
Exhibition ‘6 Pack’
by artist Sam King
6 pm Friday 25th February 6pm
to 6 pm Sunday 6th March 6pm

If you are interested in enquiring about or viewing Sam’s work, contact me.
‘Misty Marilyn’
Stefan brings Surrealism into the 21st Century.
Andre Breton founder of the Surrealism movement studied Sigmond Freud. Breton a devote Marxist sort freedom and aimed to liberate thought and narrative. Breton saw the unconscious mind, which produce dreams as the source of artistic creativity.
Surrealists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali created hyper realism in dream like visions. Frida Kahlo gave Surrealism a voice in South America using the traditional artistry of Mexican ex voto (an offering to a saint or a divinity).
Stefan has created a beautiful dreamscape in which he has painted in hyper-realism Marilyn Monroe’s red lips. The primal function, sex appeal. To quote Marilyn ‘Never underestimate the power of red lips.’ In Surrealist style, Stefan offers to liberate thought and narrative.–The-Importance-of-Surrea/91E219FBD96C3DDD